
Ugh. Thanks for the correction! <drinks more="" coffee="">

So, did Sandra lose her autism between seasons 1 and 2?

I'm with you 100% except that this episode put me off 12 again. Now the Doctor hates humans? WTF is going on with Moffatt? Seems like he's Sherlocking 12 and Clara is Watson, eating sh*t while everyone else is dazzled by his brilliance. Way happened to Never Cruel? Remember when people complained Ecchelston was a

That's like having a PhD in BS, also applicable. Well done, sir.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what an MFA in Film Studies will get you.

So, I stopped watching this after episode 11 in season 1. Do I need to watch the other 10 episodes to keep up, or what? (Related, thanks, Verizon FIOS, for not having any of last seasons episodes on streaming, also, Netflix, you too).

I haven't played any version since TSR's AD&D ("D&D" was later…and for little kids). This sounds like a completely different game.

In most of the Joker's origin stories, Batman's the one who created him. Having him show up, in any form, on this show shouldn't be considered.

Agree 100% re: Bruce Wayne. Batman is the huge shadow blanketing the entire show. No need to show him ever again.

The Master looks like a giant, evil Furby to me.

If you want to hatewatch something, check out ZNation over on SyFy.

A few thought from someone who read all the books (no spoilers, I promise, sort of): My understanding was that the first season was going to be the first novel, the second season the second novel, and the third/fourth would be the last book. At this point, they've padded the first book to death while still leaving

This episode finally brought me around to Capaldi's Doctor. Nice work here.

I've only seen Baker and Tennant on. Stopped watching after Baker left and picked up 2nd series during end of 1st season. Never seen an "old" Doctor.

Thanks. He's just not grabbing me. It's not Capaldi's other roles, either (this is the only thing I've seen him in other than The Hour). I'm just not used to an angry Doctor whose kind of a dick to his companion (and the Clara retcon from Girl Who Was Everywhere to Regular School teacher lost me as well).

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm finding myself really not liking Capaldi as The Doctor. Aside from the (great) line about offering a man a drink before killing him, he just seems like a bad choice for the role. I didn't like Matt Smith for the first two episodes, probably because I think Tennant was one of the

Do they still have pay phones in NYC? Anywhere? It's filmed in Toronto, so maybe Canada still has payphones/books. I'm voting for "convenient plot device."

The book was written in the Dark Ages of 2009; phone video not as common.

"plotting to take over the world in one unadorned conference room after another." Scientology?

I wasn't surprised by the lack of Lady Stoneheart. Remember, in the next TWO BOOKS she shows up for about a sentence. How do you do that in a show? The writers can't drop SH in the finale and then not show her (or Brienne) until 2017, but, until GRRM writes the next book, HBO won't know what to do with her. I think