
so it’s a run of the mill keygen that’s a tad bit late to the party?

I think I know how this character plays out.

I can’t condone the hack, but I have to admit that it’s on brand for Lain.

If these third parties would just start developing for PC as the lead platform and then porting down to consoles, a lot of this would stop.  Internally, consoles are more like PCs than ever before.  This shouldn’t be hard to address.  

I heard these are more fun than a pillow fight

Pediatric emergency room workers? That has to violate some kind of labor law.

They shouldn’t have given away the 1997 Pontiac Astro-Wagon to the richest man in town.

Between none of the reporting describing the “prank” and a cursory view of their channel, in addition to their statement that they’ll continue “pranking”, I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.

Are “going” to?

I don’t care about miles, per se. I care about *time*. I don’t drive that much, but I do keep cars I like a long time. Batteries seem to degrade over time even if you don’t use them at all.

Hi, just a friendly reminder that Bobby Kotick is a piece of shit and the world would be better off if literally the entire fleet of Greyhound busses ran over him (and the rest of Activision-Blizzard executive leadership, for that matter).

A regular bike is a lot greener.

Couple of douche bags.  Obligatory: Fuck Florida.

Donkeys are not horses. And if it’s gelatin, it’s not meat either.

It’s a dart. Or a missile. Its performance comes from thrust not lift, is what I’m getting at. Or more accurately, its relative thrust to drag. Yes, there is some lift, but its tiny compared to it just being a low drag dart. It’s a clever interpretation of what a paper airplane is...but I would say this is a record

The Maserati he received:

Air Force’s immediate response.

It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing.