The ending was fucking perfect.
The ending was fucking perfect.
Maybe if they had invested a little more they wouldn’t have had so many overheating issues.
You want a picture of my butt, I’ll give you one, but I don’t particularly want to see it myself.
All of the oil at once. Blew out the first engine in my ‘94 Prelude.
Ambien is a hell of a drug.
That’s a great start.
Man, this is gonna be a weird Forrest Gump sequel.
There’s only one real way to lose weight that fast.
That thing needs a Wankel.
Man, it’s almost like they should have just licensed Goldeneye: Source.
Excuse me, sir, but Burt Reynolds would like a word.
I just don’t understand why Post would open this can of worms by using that name in the first place. Nothing against the band, but it’s not like it’s all that clever or anything. They could have come up with some other name for their instant-milk-cereal.
Yeah, they make it pretty clear that pre-pandemic deals are not back in the first paragraph.
I’d really love to punch this asshole just right in the throat.
Where’s Being John Malkovich?
If you want some doilies...
If that were red meat, I’d be all about it.