Matt B
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This was a fun site. The world is worse place without it. But goddamn it is better to blow it up then let it waste away. You should all feel extremely proud of the work you’ve done and the community you nurtured here.

Damn. I wasn’t ready for the end of good Deadspin... This came out of nowhere and I don’t know what to do.

I have so many questions about what a brand is and how much does a web address matter. What was the union contract and how poachable is the staff.

Deadspin was a good website.

Last one out, don’t forget to burn this fucker down like a Viking funeral pyre.

Booooooo, who gives a shit about adorable bear cubs, stick to sports!

Fuck Barstool Sports with an actual barstool

I am crushed. Deadspin has been a multiple-read-per-day destination for over a decade, and i will miss all the writers dearly... even the much maligned billy haisley who helped hone my now irrepressible addiction to european soccer. mt best to all of you... to lose a touchpoint of sanity, humor, intelligence and

RIP Gawker, RIP Splinter, RIP Deadspin. I was never a sportsball guy but Deadspin’s irreverence, writing, and commentariat had me coming back at least once a day.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.... It’s been a great ride with all of you, may we find another place as engaging, intelligent, irreverent, and amusing as our home here on Deadspin.

I have read this website daily since I got my first desk job, and work will just never be the same with out it. I don’t even like sports that much! 

Goodbye Deadspin. Deadspin forever. Eat shit, Jim Spanfeller.

RIP. It was a fun and sometimes not so fun ride, but many great years nonetheless. Not sure where I’ll visit 10 times a day from here on out but I guess life goes on. I’ll miss y’all (writers and commenters alike).

I started with Jalopnik years ago, but often felt this was my second Kinja home. I didn’t always agree with the political slants, but the writing and investigative work was superb. It’s a darn shame things ended like this but I’ll be eagerly watching where the writers end up.  Godspeed Diana.

Deadspin forever.

Bye ya'll.  It's been a hell of a time. 

Immortal. One last time pretending that your thumbnail is you practicing Rachel Nichols’ ESPN signoff. For reasons I’ll never understand.

Deadspin. Forever.

Please self-defenestrate, Jim Spanfeller

I’ll miss you all. It was a fun ride.

Vaya con Dios, sweet princesses and princes, vaya con Dios.