Matt B

Deftly done, sir.

We have a soccer team? Since when?

I don’t want this. I want Manny back. I want him to be an O for life. It’s so sad.

Man, that tunnel digging must have been a really good workout.

Wait, we can just name people honorary Aryans now?

Hey Everyone Else In The Leauge,

There is no player named Manny Machado, and as an O’s Fan, if there were, you guys should not consider paying him huge sums of money to play for you. He doesn’t get along really well with people, and play like a monster. You guys should all go check out a bunch of other teams, but not

As a fan... as a person who lives near... as someone who unfortunately felt like I should be dedicated to the teams of my youth... Fuck this team. Can we move them to LA and change the name?

Are you a prophet? HOW CAN YOU SEE THE FUTURE?!

Watching from home (work) for TI7. Got questions about DOTA and want a 3k scrub to answer them? I’m around!

I’ve played something like 3k hours of DOTA, and it is still the only game that I always come back to. For me, the fact that I am playing the exact game that the pros are, and that I can try everything in the game keeps it fresh. The attempt that I have is to have my best 45 minute game that I can at any given time.

Liberally mute, and play nonranked games. I don’t enjoy the All Pick spam gangbang that is regular dota, so I play a lot of All Random and Ability Draft. I think it also improves your ability to play ranked and all pick because you learn how to play lots of different roles.

But yes, there are still vile people in the

You see it as a flaw, I see it as a feature. If you want to play different versions, there are a bunch of different mods, but the main game is so perfect and balanced at 5v5, it is hard to improve on it.

Also, instead of making the mechanics change between games, what things you do in the game determine the flow of

Anytime! I’m around if you want to know more!

The entire IG vs Liquid series has been fantastic.

Really good question!

The biggest difference that you can feel is that in Dota 2, skills have a major impact and have major costs associated with them. When I tried to play LoL, I was so hesitant to use my skills that I lost games by not using them all the time. When you use a skill in Dota, you are committing a

Oh, and to get even more into the weeds

Oh! Everything he said and:

Rosh pit is now in a more neutral site in the river, as opposed to being a dire advantage.

Huge question, but here’s a brief rundown. The Majors system added a bunch of larger tournements that created more teams. TI6 was won by Wings Gaming, who just drafted everything and played everything. The game has been innnnnnnnnnnncccccreeeedddibly balanced for the last year or so, with no hoho haha sniper or

No idea!

If it were starcraft, I would think it was something having to do with a ling rush, but that isn’t a phrase I am familiar with on dota!

Dota Player Checking in! If you have questions, ask away!