Matt B

The Kool-Aid man is definitely one of the Faces.

McCain stood up. Way to go.

Is it racist? Yes.
Is it also... no, it’s just racist.

“After I discharged a firearm in public several times, threating an employee of a major telecom, THE GOVERNMENT said that I shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun anymore. Thank GOD for the NRA, who got me my gun back, and allowed me to shoot that black teenager who was menacing me from four blocks away from my house.”

Yes, but what is his smell?
Would he go into an artisan sandwich shop with David Brooks?
How can you catch a dream?

Old man kicks balls at discount, more at 11.

Oooh, that’ll be an upvote for you!

I don’t think that’s a very good nickname for their female teams, but what do I know, I’m underemployed.

But do you believe in life after it?

The absolute best part is the bite by the camera. Look at how far over it gets before the camera guy realized he got faked out.

You know that post that gave you firsties, Sticks? It may have gotten your hand, but I got it’s head.

I’d love to punch that guy in the face right now. But I can’t, you know, because I’d get in trouble. I bet you get a lot of that on “Let’s Make A First Post.”

The upvote is wrong, bitch.

Finally, I can get shot from the other side of the map without hearing while going over a car instead of inside the car.

“Just bunt it over to second.” - Dusty Baker

Finally, I can play a dead eyed, weirdly shiny uncanny valley player in a game too!

Talk about your obscure pop culture references! That one is from sports, everybody!

Oh, I’m sorry, we’re supposed to immediately support whoever is in charge, no matter what?


… sausages prepared from the ground up remains of the …

Huge slam on Wilde Lake out of nowhere.