Matt B

I missed you so much.

I was not on board until Summers End. Now I am on board.

I'll take that and raise it: Song about how much hard work it is to make it in LA or Hollywood!


Solid maybe.

Does it disturb you that someone put a bandana on that good sports dog?


Great essay on Medium, Mr Kluwe!

Good to know that the down ballot followed the top of the ticket.

Man, how bad does he feel about reversing his position from the convention?

Also, I hope someone goes with him to the polls and gets a picture of him going into Blue Screen of Death mode right after voting.

I wish someone would tell us about it!

Two part question: If I am friends with family members on Facebook who like that Tomi person-thing, I should unfriend them, right?

Follow up: How are her takes so hot?

Yeah, but is Trump black?

What the fuck is wrong with the person asking this question?

Is it okay to tell you that I love you for posting all the gawker hate mail, and am delighted you’re here now?

Is is bad that I couldn’t even put the name of the Washington Sports Football Team into the subject line for WYTS?

Jered's hips don't lie.

He said, after getting to go outside for a walk for work.

The big thing with small talking introverts is to limit the background noise, give them space to speak, listen very carefully, and welcome no one else into the conversation.