Matt B

Clickhole, snap this guy up.

I’m just shocked at the mention of SJC.

“But hey, now that you mention it,” Facebook continued.

Shows what you know.

How about "Spectre" by Radiohead back to "Spectre"?

Jesus Christ, this shit is all over the place! I mean, we’ve got species in competition with genii. We’re lumping all raptors together, other than eagles, with no distinction between water raptors and land raptors. There’s no migratory birds at all! I mean, duck rape machines (also just called ducks) deserve to be

Damned inertia, keeping shit going the same speed all the time.

I mean, those poor Helpers and all their lemonade breaks.

Zemo's ultimate goal was to make the heroes kill each other. He felt that they swooped in and made a bad situation worse for him specifically, and he was equipped to break them. The Lagos situation was the final straw in the eyes of the UN, so they instituted the Accords to have an overlooking influence on the


You’re not allowed to get my hopes up like this (Please get my hopes up.).

The Article clearly states that it comes out this summer.

It’s very good.

We’ve already seen that. Agent Carter links Roxxon to Hydra. Daredevil 2 links Roxxon to HAND.

That’s exactly where you should be starting. After a week or two, you will be shocked with how easy the first week stuff seems now. A lot of the beginning of running is based in the idea that you don’t have any idea how to move your body and what “having run” feels like. Once you get used to those things, you’ll feel

Jesus Christ, he still looks (like he’s on the juice) great!

And hold every game on a Tuesday.

I dunno, a lot of what I was taught in practice was to keep driving forward until wrapped, and then to secure the ball all the way to the ground. It’s true though, the way that possession changes in rugby does have a huge impact on the way that you take a tackle. I just wonder if obliged to wrap would make a

Oh my god, if there were an animation of a round not firing and the sniper cycling the gun as fast as she could, I would love this game so much more.

A little ass to ass action on the bottom of that logo, eh?

I see you, Toronto.