Matt B


So they sold another one? Awesome for them!

The actual story is that he ran from Athens to Sparta, and then Sparta to Athens in three days, and died after running 300 miles. Which, I mean, I guess 26.2 miles is a lot, but that seems a bit more bad ass.

ATM, kids! See you out there!

The various colors of Radiohead means that there is an album out there for everyone. One of my friends got upset with me because I hadn't suggested Hail to the Thief, which was the record that got him into Radiohead, which if I were suggesting accessible records of theirs, I wouldn't put on the list. They're so

They explain this tendency in the video. To distill the game down to it’s most dramatic moment gives it a narrative solidity that saying “they managed their resources very well, and were in a position where their opponent had to make risky plays to come back, and when that risky play was discovered, they took

Between this and this, I just feel like that is still inadequate. I’m sure that this is my liberal guilt, but I feel like if we’re going to be entertained by people playing dangerous sports, they should be protected from the danger in both the long and short term. I also think that Notre Dame being all for amateurism

Thank God they’re amateur athletes and don’t have school provided health care or anything.

You know that rugby is a physical game with a lot of contact and violence, right? I mean, sure, it doesn’t have people throwing their brain containers like a bullet at someones sternum because they believe that their hard plastic shell will protect them from the eventual consequence of deceleration, but they do hit,

Sizing the gun can be important too. I’m a big guy, so when the shotgun is too small, I can have trouble with getting it lined up and seated properly on my shoulder. You really want it to not move backwards at any rate other than the rate with which your whole body moves backwards.

Someone hasn’t listened to Hunting High and Low in a bit. Holds up.

Hey man, I sympathize with where you are coming from on the outside, but I have to say, having played (checks steam) 2199 hours of DOTA 2 as of today, I’m 100% sure that I would buy DOTA 3 at full retail price and be happy. Between Compendiums and Treasure Chests, which I have bought relatively few, I have probably

It’s a shame she won’t live,

It’s a shame she won’t live.

but then again, who does.

I don’t disagree with you, except for the Mjollnir set up party scene. We see two people in the movie actually pick up Mjollnir, Thor, who we have learned is worthy of the power over the last three movies with him, and Vision, who casually picks it up, without the knowledge that he couldn’t. This makes a huge

Sea Change is my favorite Beck album.

[adult swim], you are being summoned.

To the finish line with you.

The Things by Peter Watts is the best retelling of the movie, The Thing by John Carpenter. It is amazing.