Matt B

Nevermind! I agree! This is the correct solution!

That should be Troi at 4 then Riker at 3 in 3D Chess.

My heroes and fears are different because of the different way to read the 4th clue.

Where are the feathers?

Imagine if we had the rest of the Cycle to read.

The point is that confusion you experienced. The idea is that unlike Mal, who was constantly searching for a higher level, Cobb finally realized that his contentedness is not rooted in whether he is in a reality or dreams, but in his acceptance of the idea that being home is the only important thing to him. Whether

TM: Did it hurt?

See! It sure is good that Goodell is doing this Heads Up thing at the right time. He doesn't want any more girls getting knocked out.

Ah, the old "don't record me saying this" after they have already started recording.

I knew I loved Deadspin for a reason. Just saw QOTSA in MD. One of the best shows I have ever been too. Will never miss them again.

Gosh, I sure hope no one who has never read the books clicks here.

We do something here? If so, I'm unproductive on two jobs at the same time, usually.

I believe the correct spelling is "turnt up."

It's a mixture of the uncanny valley and cognitive dissonance. Things that are human like already make us feel weird, and that activates the humor part of our brain once we think it is safe. Then when they get hurt, we cannot understand what is happening, and go back to that point.


I'm glad we're all united on this.

:Kills self:

Welcome to you're "doom"!

Chesapeake Bay First Nations

Well, I'm sure this is going to go great, and the always tolerant Deadspin community will go for it like gangbusters. Also, the Orioles are going to win the World Series this year. And the Washington Wizards will win a championship sometime in the next hundred years.