
Mads Mikkelsen action figure? Mads Mikkelsen action figure.

The next poster will feature a heavily tattooed Katniss with the word "Damaged" written across her forehead.

It can be two things

*NBC hides script about the people behind the camera in a mockumentary*

Fictional burgers you've always wanted to try thread?

NBC: 30 Rock tried to warn you about us.

Here's hoping the Gamergators don't latch on to this movie as some kind of major argument against SJWs or whatever is "killing free speech."

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Christina Hendricks continues to enhance my enjoyment of anything she appears in.

Jon Hamm was wasted in Mad Men, but that was more because he played an alcoholic.

I can't believe someone with comedic talent like Christopher Meloni spent 12 years acting in Law & Order SVU

Whenever John Slattery's not on a Netflix series, all the other characters should be asking "Where's John Slattery?"

I'm really glad this show continues to give roles to Mad Men alumni. I didn't realize how much I missed Roger.

"Do you want to hang out with the future leaders of the world or some sunburnt jews?"

So since this version of Dolarhyde kills the pets, Will's strays are all gonna die right?

I'm Cajun and seeing a Cajun person in the media is cool to me, even if his gimmick is throwing playing cards at people. He's got that Cajun persuasion.

If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not suffer in a freak internet trailer leak.

in hindsight it actually makes it just as bad.

In Stewart's defense, this type of situation sounds like it would be a daily occurrence over at Fox.

We can only hope she has a great weekend.