
I can't believe that Peridot keeps getting a leg up on the Crystal Gems.


Vidalia with a shotgun and Onion's birthing video, combined with yesterday's episode has me entirely convinced that the Crewniverse can pretty much do whatever they want now.

Just got caught up on Hannibal and you were kinda right. Still, Margot didn't get a song describing how gay she is so the award still goes to Steven Universe.

Look when Margot is so gay with her partner that they combine to become two lesbians stacked on top of one another, then we can talk.

Steven Universe is the gayest thing on television.
I love it.

Every gem went through an emotional roller coaster today and poor little Steven can't do anything but watch it crash. Family drama, especially fights between parents, is a very tough thing for a child to go through, especially when your parents are alien fighters who can fuse to become bigger alien fighter parents.

Can we talk about the astronomical death toll this movie had? Not even The Incredibles compares.


Lester's still a horrible father and husband for becoming a selfish egomaniac who desperately tried to find excitement and happiness at the expense of his family's well-being. His wife's not great either but Lester's still awful beyond the teenager thing. He almost did have sex with her until she admitted it would be

How about the Punisher? He uses his wife and son's death to be a terrorist pretending to have some sense of vigilante justice when he is really contributing to a greater problem.

I came here for a cute and fun cartoon and now I'm terrified and can't sleep.

Norma noticed her polygamous marriage was really falling apart when her husband created a doomsday bunker where he stored a bunch of gullible girls and practiced karate.

Friends reference.


I personally thought Bojack was good but since you have already expressed a different point of view my meager counterpoint would not be enough to convince you. So this comment is ultimately meaningless.


Most of the money will be used to finally purchase history books from last century.

Slow week, internet.

Lars Von Try Harder Next Time