
This just made me connect that Jake may be into Snape because Rickman also played Hans Gruber in Die Hard. Such a great detail.

Whatever your thoughts on this show, I really think it does right by its characters. A lesser or more cynical show would have made a character like Bob a profound dunce or a coward in over his head, but he gets his chance to prove himself as something more than a symbol of Joyce’s unobtainable sense of normalcy. Even

I don’t disagree with the idea that it was wrong to post a personal number but when we people on the right like Richard Spencer and Trump using the site for far more morally repugnant reasons, it seems inconsistent. It makes it look like it’s okay for a woman to receive consequences and these people don’t even lose a

I’m doing a rewatch of Parks and Rec. The show’s mockumentary style rarely allows for actual background music but the episode “Ann and Chris” ends with Wildflowers and I was a bit of a sobbing mess.

Adam Scott and Craig Robinson both have a talent for elevating the material they’re given. Honestly I’m glad they get a chance to work together in something more worthy of their talents than Hot Tub Time Machine.

James Cameron definitely called Josh Brolin a pussy.

I was happy the show leaned into giving Francesca a bit of development and showing her perspective but I do think the show could have done a *bit* more in giving equal screen time to both characters. I understand the main focus is Dev but I do think it is necessary for both sides to be well-represented in a romance

I completely understand the reservations some people may have towards this plotline and with Francesca as some kind of "Manic Pasta Dream Girl" or whatever, but these episodes cut pretty deep for me.

There was an interview recently where Alan Yang mentions he and Aziz are friends with James Murphy. Yang texted him about using the title for the episode and Murphy was cool with it.

The bit where Dev wondered out loud if one of his dates was going to use the bathroom or snort coke reminded me of the "Is she going to powder her vagina?" gag from Parks and Rec. Both times I lost it.

You're kidding me Netflix!

I imagine he recorded it in blackface for "authenticity."

Loved the Scotsman's return. His death really balanced the darkness and consequence of this season with the cartoonish fun of the earlier series. This whole episode felt a lot more like classic Jack with costume changes and the return of Aku City.

You know damn well we've forgotten plenty of DC movies.

Gotta jump on that Samurai Jack revival train.

In terms of sexual deviancy, I'm not sure Fleetwood Mac would even crack the top three of the artists you listed above them.

Hoping the planet thing will be a big moment in the movie that they aren't going to spoil for the audience like the Ant-Man bit in Civil War.

The best burn I've seen re:Milo was that he "is like if half an idea that Sasha Baron Cohen threw in the trash came to life"

Very glad the movie has a PG-13 rating as it has been a lifelong dream to hear a power ranger say "shit."

The first season was fine but I question the need for this show when we already have You're The Worst.