
The loss of one family member is immeasurable. I can't even fathom the pain of losing two in such quick succession. I wish only the best to Billie Lourd and the rest of the family.

Dude, this isn't like a Hamilton article or Star Wars piece that comes out annoyingly frequently for some. Patton, love him or hate him, is very popular in the geek community. He's suffered a huge loss, and it resonates with a lot of us, especially with his candidness about his depression and his love for his family.

Wow, what an incredible episode. Giving a complete arc for a new character in such a short span of time is incredibly difficult to manage but they pulled it off beautifully.

Steven Universe is able to tackle issues with such familiarity and sincerity, it's no wonder I've been able to stay so invested without there being a real action scene these past two weeks. The way the show approached each aspect of an abusive relationship (Jasper's desperation and Lapis' struggle between genuinely

The lines Jasper delivered that were basically saying "You've changed me" and "No one else can understand you like I can" were so realistic I actually squirmed a little bit in my seat. The desperation and faux-apologetic tone in her voice were so pitch perfect.

I didn't realize that it would only take three episodes before this Steven Nuke made me cry.

Many of Will Forte's characters are funny while also being excruciatingly unlikable.

Everyone knows that Ron Howard helped fake the moon landing, anyway.

"Kickstarter? What does that do?"
"Not much, usually."

That brief scene they gave Poussey and Soso was really really cute and I hope to see more of that later on in the season.

This is four years past its relevance

Hamilton is good.

Tony (to Spider-Man): Here's some money, go fight a Civil War.

"He lost his left arm, so he's going to be all-right."

Now the story about the assassin who lost everything, and the one friend who had no choice but to put him together.

It was really great of Drake to include a review score in his album title.

No Luck of the Irish, either! At least feed me garbage I'm familiar with.

This totally does not make me feel old or nostalgic at all, no sir.

Mighty Mad Max

Look, at least it wasn't the Prequels!