
You’d think a 13 year old girl who’s been raised in a laboratory and spent the entire previous year locked in a cabin in the woods would behave rationally in that situation!

Yeah it does.

I don’t know.

Pimento’s screaming hopscotch.

You seem fun!

I decide when the squatting is necessary.

I personally love Gina, and Chelsea Peretti is on the show because she is in an incredible writer and comedienne. Get your head out of your ass.

Rosa is too good (and sane) for Pimento. Glad she made the right call.

Runnin’ Down a Dream.

See, this is what I wanted “ABCs of Beth” to be—even though I love the episode, and it’s heart-on-sleeve climax. This, however, feels far more graceful. Rick can’t outrun the people he shackles himself to, which is why he can go Tom and Jerry on the president. He doesn’t care about the president, but even if he can’t