
What is this? A marketing campaign for ants?! How are people supposed to know about the movie if they can't even see the advertisements?

Glad to look at the comment sections and see everyone calling out the author.
Diesel is goofy, sure, but not remotely dense. Plus he's super passionate about his work and his hobbies. He's an avid D&D player, for example.


Any mistress that brings more Arrested Development is anything but cruel.

"Hello darkness my old friend"

Shows what I know, then.

People still fall for the Nigerian Prince Scam in 2002?

So it turns out Saul's arc theme for this season was a song his buddy beautifully rewrote to have the lyrics just be "butthole" over and over.

Don't bring a gun to a sandwich fight.

Bob Odenkirk man, he really makes you feel the emotions Jimmy is feeling. I was right there with him. When he was on the verge of tears in the office I felt for him. When he yelled at Chuck I was furious.

I think it's because a lot of it borrowed from the UK Office. The pilot was pretty much a shot-for-shot remake. The show definitely got much stronger and became it's own thing rather quickly.

This has most likely been in every episode so far but the lengths Jimmy will go for a client/potential client hurts a little bit when I remember how far down the hole he went in Breaking Bad.

Because white people can't empathize with people until they experience their struggle first hand.

When I saw this on my feed I had to double check to make sure this wasn't an article by The Onion.

Only in a city where an active pornstar is a councilwoman can Garry be elected mayor multiple times.

Mark's dead and his grave is very likely next to Jean-Ralphio's fake one. Nobody came to his funeral.

"Leslie, I've always loved you."
"…I know"
*triumphant jump punch*

Like "has to work overtime, holidays, and steal over one and a half million dollars" poor.

Mr Kettleman looks like a poor man's Jon Hamm.

He figured that drunk Saul wasn't aware enough to "ground" himself so he took it upon himself to get into his pants.