
Bingo. Local governments basically issued a critical thinking test when they opened limited capacity venues at the literal life or death risk to consumers. Government can mollify the business owners and put all the risk assessment on the individual. Mix in peer pressure, risk assessment fatigue, and boredom, and poof:

This fuckin’ guy. Besides all the shit and damage he’s done during his term, I’m just tired of seeing his face and listening to him babble gibberish every. damn. day. Ughhhhhh.

Now playing

They’re just laying the groundwork to either steal the election, or if that doesn’t work, claim election fraud. This is part of sowing the discord early in order to gain momentum for the false narrative. We could all save ourselves a lot of hand wringing if we (i.e. media) could just figure this out already:

I mourn those who have passed because of this virus, but I fear for those it is leaving behind—the lack of guidance and direction from our government has created hysteria and finger pointing. Yes these people went out, aware of risk, some being safer than others, and had sex. This virus will not magically go away, and

I actually have a really similar take on this that might help, Perpetually Bored. I figured out really early on (like in my teens early on) that the whole ‘only do what you love for a living’ is total shite. I mean I’m sure it works for some people, but I find it hard to find peace within myself and I also struggle

And please stop making those stupid stone piles!

Not half as obscure as the law covering the President’s skincare regime; the Emollients Clauses.

Thank you! I turn 30 in exactly one month and this is what I need to read. My twenties were bullshit, but at least I sorted out a lot of mental health issues/let go of some self-destructive behavior patterns — big achievements that don’t get the credit they deserve. I haven’t had the relationships or career

There must never be a redemption arc for the GOP. Destroy them utterly. Leave them so completely neutered and destitute that they’re never able to rebuild the tatters of their garbage fucking party.

lol - “Did not watch, but he definitely did it”

Under Gender Identity it says “How you feel on the inside”-but there is no explanation for what feeling like a man/woman means? I think this is where so much confusion comes from. I don’t think I feel like a woman; but I haven’t found any explanation of how feeling like a woman is being defined.

As a transgender person myself I take issue with this ‘gender fluid’ approach as well. I’m not trans because I want to be, or because I’m bucking the system or making a statement. I’m transgender because I literally cannot live with my body or how it’s required to socially navigate our world. Even HRT only really

I dunno about a fashion statement as much as: “The world says I’m supposed to act like X because of my sex, but I’d rather act like Z, and thus...” It would be a non-issue if society completely separated biological sex from expected behaviors.

“How big could the market be for pasty young women with wacky sartorial tastes and wiry limbs?”

This made me chuckle. I don’t know why but those little anecdotes are gettin’ real so your grandparents who were probably waiting to have sex until marriage and it was the 40s got married a few weeks in and then just put up with any possible red flags because divorce was frowned upon back then. Cool

My parents knew each other for two weeks before they got married. They were married for 66 years.

I’m a former journalist and I’ve been shocked by how irresponsible the reporting has been on this story. Instead of being skeptical as to why her sister felt the need to reach out to the Kansas City Star in a move that only can be described as self-aggrandizing, journalists gobbled up whatever nonsense she had to say.

I don’t know that anybody would accuse me of having it all, or having my shit in the same general post code, never mind having it together, but I’m pretty sure there are people that think I’m put together enough and that I have a great life (I really do have a great life but...). This is exactly why I am super upfront

One of the hardest realizations I’ve had post-college is that I seem to value my friends so much more than they value me (there are definite exceptions, and these are usually the ones who are also usually single). I’m always the one who makes the effort. Sometimes I know it’s because they’re just busier than me, in

People always tell me the only way to get a date is to give up, that I want it too much, that I don’t have anything going on in my life etc. It makes me so sad. Im 25, moved out on my own, have taken trips around the country on my own, have a career, make my own music, and am even making my own board game. Dating