
Just out of curiosity, what’s your profession?

Hm, not sure what you mean. I have no problem deleting the social media apps from my iPhone. It is very easy to bring them back though, so there is the possible temptation...

Or you could just delete the Instagram/twitter/facebook/tinder/etc. apps...

I don’t get what she’s talking about with the “bears”......?

The massage therapists’ or the customers’ jizz?

Isn’t this the same idea that led to Hillary being nominated over Bernie (he’s too far left to win, etc.)? I don’t get why people are still hoping the Democratic establishment is going to save the day...

Thank you!!! This is what the creek at my city park (an environmentally sensitive area) looks like, and it drives me up a wall. Everyone thinks it’s so whimsical and loves to post their stupid little cairns on Instagram, without realizing that stones prevent stream bed erosion.

Pasta salad is the best. Way better than going on dates, for sure.

Hm, that’s odd.

I would think that swiping right would make things really awkward, bc they might get the false impression that you’re interested in them.

Yep, my reaction to this was “great, now it’ll be easier to get matches who won’t message me or respond to my message...”

How do they determine that the damage/value of the statue is at least $1,500? I’m having a hard time believing that crap statue is really worth anything...

OK so I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot lately (non-binary identities) and I think the subject of gender identity is kind of strange. What is there to describe or define gender identity, aside from the fact that someone feels inside that they are (gender identity)? There are “butch” people who identify as

Had to look both those things up but am now sufficiently horrified. Thanks...?

Has anyone noticed that these two actresses (Margot Robbie and Caitlin Carver) look almost exactly the same except one is blonde and the other brunette?

Yeah, they covered that in their comment:

What exactly are you arguing for? That places like SeaWorld should exist (and animals suffer) because you live in the city?