
The athletics director said the department followed an "unwritten policy" because the written policy was confusing.

Just a statement. Quick and to the point.


Have they checked everywhere? Oy vey!

Dead or not, seeing something like that, I can't help but think he really must've fucked up his calf.



This comes as a bit of a shock. The last picture I saw of him he looked ok.


It is really good. I just kept reading it over and over and over...

Not too surprising. Lowery always had a reputation for being a salty fellow.

"The equipment manager told coach Chuck Pagano, who told GM Ryan Grigson, who told the NFL's director of field operations, who alerted the officials working the game. At the half, they inspected the balls."

Rex Ryan Doing "The Band" Is A Truly Great Moment In Bariatric History

Bobby Bowden gets screwed and, in typical Paterno fashion, Joe-Pa goes about his business like nothing ever happened.

Absolutely love Draper's mom. We were the same in High School, her and me. And his dad. Awesome.

On the plus side, if a runner does get shot at least they get one of those 30.06 stickers.

His numbers might not reflect it this season, but Johnson's actually performing up to par.

Hello everybody! This is a thing I wrote about Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes and hotel clerks. If that does anything for ya' please do take a minute or two and have a read. Good Saturday evenin' to you all.

"...the NCAA is already investigating how Hamilton is funding Reach Your Dream Prep."

The original "white dream shake" occurred when Sigmund Freud awoke startled from that dirty dream he had about his mother...