Strange. For most Koreans this kind of thing generally happens around 38.
Strange. For most Koreans this kind of thing generally happens around 38.
Fan 1: Ohio!
"For now, the Cardinals have to convince themselves that they can be a Super Bowl contender with Drew Stanton running the offense."
You have to hand it to Vick. As a player and a person he really seems to have reformed.
I know his defense is a joke, but you'd think he could at least guard against flakes.
It's possible he was going for an outlet pass, but it's pretty clear where this guy does his shopping.
Could be he's just pissed for having to hold that parking spot all night.
"He is best known for having served up Barry Bonds's 714th homer falling off a mountain."
Really? In the end, the Giants' defense was foiled by a little boy and his mother. That's hardly impressive.
No shit. I lost track at like word five.
In fairness to him, Johnson mistakenly thought he was following the policy of many a successful politician before him by kicking against the pricks.
"...the fastest rise in the 78-year history of the poll"
Just saw this now. +1
"She's almost ready," Bela Karoyli said, watching from the stands and bouncing his half-eaten apple off the head of Lolo Jones.