
Thank you. I came here to double-check that claim. And watch the cool vehicle. But it’s a bit like saying a nuclear plant driving steam turbines is “water-driven”.

Was this imaged visually or through wobble? I’m imagining a giant black shell encompassing a civilization living on the inside surface, powered by absorption of the sunlight.

Earlier this year my family stayed at a Motel 6 in Thousand Oaks, CA, there was a sign posted saying they needed ID for everyone staying at the hotel, and that they made reports to law enforcement about who stayed there. Since it was 2 am, I said there was no way I was waking my family except to get them into the

“The long-term goal is to make coding a lower-skill job so developers will work for lower salaries under the guise of free education for the less fortunate.”

I loved that issue. This is one of the best iron man runs of all time.

Science fiction writer, John Varley, wrote a cool novel called The Golden Globes, where the Solar system was fairly colonized, and his section on the Uranian moons is very interesting. The Oberonese have been taking apart the various moons to construct hoop cities held together by giant mutant spider silk. It’s well

Argh. I need only yesterday, Marnie, and arriety.

Argh. I need only yesterday, Marnie, and arriety.

The VLA is cool as hell. My visit predated cell phones, so no problem there. I just keep thinking of Jodie Foster there.

I went to visit SETI’s Hat Creek radio observatory on the way to the eclipse. It’s waaaay out in the boonies. We were told to turn off all cell phones and car navigation systems. It’s like visiting Mauna Kea and shining your flashlight down the barrel.

I’d heard that the British Museum lost the last specimens from life. That’s why they have to use fossils. There isn’t any genetic material we know of. Anyone hear anything else?

IIRC, the solar atmosphere is very thin, but not hot by what we think a star should be hot standards. I wonder if there are gas giant planets moving around inside of it.

Considering that you can fire a death beam at a planet, from one side of the galaxy, have people watch it going by, and the Galactic Council say, “oh, no, it’s coming right at us!” within a matter of moments, I’d say speed is the least of their problems.

17 1/2 hours to get from Eastern Oregon to the SF Bay Area. I’m a goddamn zombie. But it was totally worth it!

Worth noting, yeah this statue is very racist & so was the article written 2010. It doesn’t say much about Foster though, who may or may not have been as racist as any other white dude for the time.

Just checked. It’s roughly 5 AUs to Jupiter, 10 to Saturn, 20 to Uranus, 30 to Neptune.

Very cool. I will mention, not to be pedantic, but to remind folks how freaking big the solar system is—Saturn is barely halfway to the outer planets. By solar system measurements, Jupiter is practically the inner solar system.

Now That’s what I’m talking about!

I’d be curious if there’s any ability to decode or stabilize that video. It would have massive shutter roll, but could anything be cleaned up.

You’re right. The whole thing could have spewed out a ton of flares and we won’t know for years. At least we’re watching now.

Lots of smart writers stab at these things. I’ve read plenty of articles talking about the same problems under Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton. Then Gingrich made it an all-out war. The problem is that under our constitution the party that gets 50.00000001% percent has the upper hand in a range war. It’s baked into our