
Don’t you mean “Bonehenge”?

The reason for this is quite obvious - the Neolithic dogs had a superior technology to the Mesolithic dogs.

or a prop in a Swiss musical? “ ze naaame of lovvvve”

Paul, I could’ve written another 1,000 words about how much this work has meant to me. So glad you’ve got more on the way!

Thanks for the kind words, Evan.  I’m still working, albeit more slowly than before.  The next series, Stars Over Sand, will be apolitical but very existential, and mostly set in wilderness.  Three out of five issues are done.  This makes me want to work!  -- Paul

what causes them? what pushes out the ice in the first place? Is Ceres warm in the middle or does the sun hit it (so far out it would be minimal but warmer then the vacuum) and warm parts or increase pressure?  Would be nice to have more of an explanation.

I love that set of lines:

Clark Gregg teased his first meeting with

Huhuhuh, what if, like Robin said “Fuck Batman...”

Not only is the look gross, they haven’t even managed to make the look fit the actor. Anna Diop is being criminally misrepresented with that costume.

Only 90s kids remember.

And for those of us playing our “How long is it gonna take for a guy to shit talk a shooting victim?” home game, the time was three minutes!

In this case he likely has outstanding medical bills.

Not exactly, just who should be responsible for his medical bills?

God forbid you get into a car accident, and the other person is at fault, and you lose two limbs, should you be responsible for those medical bills?

Sure, money is a factor, but consider the expenses for going to the emergency room for multiple gunshot

When our country’s healthcare system can bankrupt a person for having a medical emergency, this is inevitable.

7. She goes to a Halloween party in blackface, and is shot by a cop who pulls her over for driving while black.

Fox basically just stole parts of the Haaretz article, which I’ve copied here for those unable to get behind the paywall. It’s a far more balanced read.

He isn’t brushing it under the rug. From one of the links:

It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.