
Psst, hey! Wanna see a snuff film? c’mere. Is it a snuff film? I dunno. but let’s get some eyeballs on this guy killing himself. Is he dead? Hell if I know.

It’s a bit unclear to me why dogs aren’t behaving like...dogs. Why aren’t their genetic lines interbred? It’s not like they wouldn’t sneak out and have fun with each other why a female dog went into estrus.

Kevin De Leon is running against Feinstein. His politics are more to the left, and he is active & and smart. If we could get anyone in the media to pay attention to him, he and Kamala Harris would be an amazing team. How about doing some articles to promote him?

Pre-bronze age collapse. I was going to make some joke about a time displaced Tony stark making armor and using the Antikythera mechanism. But I’ll stop. Maybe if it was on a staff as a symbol of power it was about “Talk to the hand!”

That was my question: what is the heat source? Gravitational compression seemed odd, since planets as old as Mars seem to have run through theirs. I’m wondering if impacts would keep it warm enough.

After the hideous Saving Mr. Banks I said I wasn’t going to be manipulated by this pandering Disney money-grubbing bullshit. But halfway through the preview I’m tearing up. Damn you Disney!

All of the villains mentioned are comprehensible to beings such as us. The Elder Gods are incomprehensible, and far more dangerous. 

I have had more comments f-ed up by autocorrect than you can imagine.

It’ll go past other Kuiper belt objects with or without NASA’s approval. It just won’t rendezvous with them.  Now that pendantry is out of the way, does anyone know how long it would take to reach the Oort Cloud at current speeds?

Cyborg was always muscles and machines for TT, not cyber. Put him on a team that’s got plenty of muscle, and Batman as the computer expert has cyber, and what’s left? I’d always cynically thought it was race-casting on DC’s part.

So if the issue is free speech, is the speech on how to create sarin, or smallpox or a hydrogen bomb just a free speech issue? I would tend to think that making things designed to kill people is speech the way yelling “Fire!” In a theater is. Some speech, especially speech designed to kill, should have some regulation

Yknow, I'm kind of sad that I had to wade through a bunch of chuckle-attempting jokes until I got to the point where you mention that THE BOY IS DEAD! A little respect for the victim, please?

One summer our local theater chain had a poster up for a one-night event. My friend and I wondered what sort of film would bring together George Lucas, and that guy who did Close Encounters, Speilberg. Something called Raiders of the Lost Ark. No clue, but it also had music by John Williams, who I liked. How bad could

It felt like Amethyst’s horse version had a touch of Garyll the fantasy steed from Adventure Zone to it. Just a nod to the coolest bi-nicorn out there. Loved the Amethyst duck lips.

As someone who lived through the 80s, I wanted to commend the filmmakers for getting the look & feel spot on. The world was indeed faded to sepia-tone, we always sat in rooms with insufficient light, and our television speakers were attached to tin cans. It did beat the 60s, though, when it was still faded, and the

My thought had been to place in front of it a gossamer thin reflective net, and let the asteroid’s motion apply it. Then over the course of years, have the sun’s energy nudge it out of spin. The spacecraft would also gather energy from the sun and shine light n the patch as it could. Th math would be nuts, but we do

Wonderful, hopeful story! And easily the clearest explanation I've ever seen for Cherenkov radiation. Thank you!

It was conceived the same year as my child. The two of us saw a full-sized mock-up on the national mall when she was leaving elementary school. She has just graduated college. There is a possibility she may have children before this thing goes up. I get that good science can take a while, but mightn't we have been

So an interstellar ramjet won't be picking up hydrogen to fuse, it'll be picking up interstellar complex carbons that it can put in its gas tank.

Another Muslim ruler and astronomer worth knowing about is the Rajah Jai Singh Sawai. The builder of Jaipur, he created an astronomical observatory unparalleled in India. His work was forgotten as the clock and telescope came to India. But his observatories are still there, and can be visited.