
That is one of the best animations I have ever seen from the space program. Thank you for sharing it

I find it hard to think of the ecological niche whales currently fill, and why it wouldn’t be filled back then. There were obviously sea going dinos. And gigantism was around. I wonder why they wouldn’t grow to the proportions we see today. In the past I might have thought it was something to do with cold blood, but

Wow, a lot of knuckleheads jumped in on this right away. Thanks for a great article, Maddie. I’m glad we’re able to spend more time looking at close by stars. It’s fascinating.

I’d been reading these comics in college, and heck, reading a lot about how sex and relationships should be. (It was pretty much theoretical at that time.) A couple of months later I met the person I would spend the rest of my life with. These comics, detailing character who modeled mutual love, respect, fun, and

I always find it amusing when fascists say, “We should have the same rights as everyone else in a civilized society. If we don’t get them, then we’re the victims.” And then immediately advocate destroying civil society by taking rights away from others. Oh, wait, did I say amusing? I think I meant disgusting.

If you get the opportunity, check out Steven J Gould’s book about the Burgess Shale. It’s a fascinating look at the huge quantity of weird animals Earth spawned when she first discovered how to put pieces together.

As Catchen said, gene expression is one of the important factors here. As the husband of a twin, I find gene expression and epigenetics as fascinating as evolution. I remember when researchers weren’t sure what all of the extra stuff was in DNA, and called it “junk.”  The lizards who had the genes for cold weather may

It still travels SOL, but not the long way around.

Joe Haldeman talked about Neutrino communication in The Forever War. I love the idea of point to point communication right through all solid objects. I would love to hook up to that communication stream and find out that’s what the aliens talk on. I wonder how coherent the beams are.

My parents, who have partial Italian background, named me Tony, but like, “ey! It’s To-ny!” So nobody would give me any crap. I told my girls that story while making them sugar-violets for one of their birthday cakes. Yeah, I’m a big guy, but I try to spend more time smiling than sizing up mooks for cement shoes.

I was just thinking that. Now pick out Ansel Elgort from a line up.

I used to be happy with FatCow. Now it’s $120 a year for small mailboxes & poor service. I’m glad this article came out.

I used to be happy with FatCow. Now it’s $120 a year for small mailboxes & poor service. I’m glad this article came

How is it that maglevs don’t mess up passengers hard drives, credit cards, etc?

We’ll all move to Neptune as Olaf Stapleton suggested.

It was real clear and every spoke about it except his staff and the media when in print. Mental states are hard to gauge from the outside. And considering how many world leaders are truly mentally deranged (Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, etc.) it’s somehow accepted by humanity.

Time is an illusion! I remember when Kip Thorne came out with some math involving wormholes, 20+ odd years ago. I expect all this stuff to take a little time.

The is the “Fargo” of Douglas Adams works. Same same, same themes, different everything else. And it’s not bad!

One thing no one talks about in Lunar mining is getting stuff off the surface, and the possibility of weaponizing space rocks. If we are smart, kind Federation citizens we use that stuff to generate floating space structures. If we’re our usual dumb-ass selves, we target other people. Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh

I don’t want to see it covered in ads, but we so long as it’s sterile we can mess with it.

Do werewolves get super extra powers if it’s during a full-moon lunar eclipse?