
I thought all these special little right-wing snowflakes were into free speech nowadays.

Thank you for a very well-written, insightful, and personal article. If one happens out here I’d wear a star or look up Roma identification.

I would love to know the mechanics of this. Mantises aren’t venemous to my knowledge. Do they slash the birds’ throats? Bite them in a particular spot?

All stars to you!

There were fibers near the body. Probably a carpet.

I agree. Nothing exciting or inspirational, but nothing “wrong,” either. I’m sure he’s a heck of a guy, but his movie work hasn’t been run through the flavor machine.

You could sense some echoes of his Orkney that came through the script, but dirctorially, the film was flat-footed. Think of the nd-title sequence in Iron-man 3, and I can imagine that joy and excitement through the what Ant-man full have been.

It still surprises me that the Republicans so blatantly don’t give a flying fuck for anybody but the rich, and so many poor people keep hailing them as their champions.

I have a daughter who takes 20 minutes to figure out what she wants, has two bites, and then we have to carry it around with us for the rest of the night because she’s going to eat it later and it’s HER food! Needless to say it would sit in the refrigerator for two weeks. We made a 24-hour rule. If it’s not gone in

Well written. I hadn’t considered allergic reactions in my writing. Thanks!

I really love cats, but when our current outdoor cat passes we’re never having another outdoor cat. We moved into a an area teeming with natural wildlife. It’s now rare for us to find any of the animals anymore, except as the occasional eviscerated corpse left in the dining room.

There’s some saying that must incorporate both kicking a man when he’s down and beating a dead horse. But like the writers of this show I’m too damn lazy to bother trying to think of it.

So he’s a relatively honest, powerful guy who has a liberal agenda, and knows how to handle big institutions. We could do worse...

It’s like Iron man. He opens his mask exposing one of the most vulnerable parts of his body every time he needs to emote.

Isn’t it illegal to call for the death of all radicalized congress people? If I did that with all seriousness on my Facebook page, I’m pretty sure I’d be getting a call from the FBI. This POS won’t get a slap on the wrist from law enforcement.

Can’t wait for SHIELD 5. I’m guessing they form SWORD. I wonder where they are. The view out the window isn’t anywhere (real) in our solar system.

Aaaand, how big of an explosive charge could one of those carry? Is it big enough to fly into a world leader’s mouth? “Hello, Draper? CIA calling.”


If I had a way to put it in my giant Mac Pro box, I would. 3D, yes, DCP generation, yes. Now just to get Apple to build the new pro!

Oh, gosh that would have been great. Or even betterer, they reform scarred Barry, he gets to live with Iris, and young Barry goes into the speed force trap to becomes Savitar. That keeps the timeline intact, we get a season of Emo Barry gradually becoming better, and Iris learning to see the good man inside.