
Yeh, but he knows all about drop bears, mate.

Nice idea, but not regular enough.

Someone has made one of those stunningly beautiful Great British Bakeoff cakes, and someone else came along with a wooden spoon and started smacking it into mush. It’s terrible.

Never, never, NEVER buy an iPhone where the person tells you he forgot his AppleID password, but if you go to the Apple Store they’ll erase the phone. This is the sign of a stolen phone. There is an anti-theft feature in Find My iPhone, where you need the Apple ID password to erase the phone. The company will NOT

“Forget about it, Jake. It’s Callisto.”

How are they going to tie in with AoS? Like this: Sticks fingers in ears “I can’t hear you! What? Nope don’t hear a thing. LA LA LA LA.”

Well written!

I came here to agree. Don’t drop a staff writer into a nest of birders, without expecting flap-back. (Though I love ya, George!)

The article talks about hydrogen balloons floating on the surface of the clouds. A giant diamond balloon filled with vacuum (as in Neal Stephenson’s Diamond Age) might be the only sort of balloon tough enough and buoyant enough to float on the surface. Scale that up with a small flat top, like a blimp’s passenger

-178C. So we’d actually need to bring heat in for any colony. Probably Mylar focusing ring.

Evacuated diamond spheres? Hmm. I know Diamond burns. I should look at surface temp. Interesting story possibilities..

Could we drop a giant hydrogen balloon with an instrument package into the atmosphere, or would the winds & radiation destroy everything? Is there a material tough enough? I believe it’s not as radioactive as Jupiter, but how tough would things need to be?

“China Winning the Race to See if They can Generate a Mutant by Pumping Toxins into the Environment!”

Is that the one he used before all of the debates?

Can we start calling it Persephone, the outer planet mentioned in Larry Niven’s known space books?

Besides freeways, we also have the difficulty of shifting coastlines. During the ice ages, the coasts were further out, and sites alongside the water would have washed away.

IIRC if we have negative mass we can make a wormhole. Then there’s effective time travel possible. Maybe if we have negative effective mass we can have real time travel! No? Guys? Anybody?

Holy smokes! While I don’t know her personally, I’m a big fan. From all of her work she’s shown herself to be kind, funny, nice, and an all-around decent person. This is such complete bullshit. I hope this inspires folks to go out and look art her material. She is wonderful.

Eventually we’ll realize the only intelligences worth a damn in the universe are black holes, and they communicate with each other through gravitational space folding. The rest of us are momentary viral noise.

Between this and Legion, there’s plenty of good, crazy stuff in the genre. I hope it’s half a s good as Legion.