
The complete destruction of Seoul due to chemical weapons on the border, and a few million dead people. Ha, ha! Pretty funny, huh? If it was that easy, we would have done it years ago.

Remember, this is the company that moved to Canada expressly for the purpose of screwing their tax responsibilities.

Is Jupiter in the “outer solar system”? The more I learn about the placement of planets it seems central, almost to the point of being “inner.”

Not saying it wouldn’t be used responsibly, but do we want a 100 megawatt laser in orbit? Could it be seen as a weapon system? I trust these things when adults are running the world, not our current few of world leaders.

You wanted to say they lost Uranus. You know you wanted to.

“Don’t Ax me, bro!”

Stan the Man used to go out of his way to come up with cutesy-wutesy nicknames for the superheroes: Jade Jaws for the Hulk, Shellhead, for Iron Man, Hornhead for Daredevil, etc. These names are neither cutesy, nor wutesy, and sound like people trying not to get sued. At least they don’t refer to Disney as that

It may be me, but it seems like Capaldi has been Dr. Who for 14 years and two seasons of shows. Just move on to the new team already!

Coming to this party absurdly late, but it’s worth mentioning that both watchmen & Dark Knoght were written during the Reagan/thatcher era, when fascism (lite) was in charge of both countries. Civil War was written during Bush II era, when the military industrial complex was run by fascists, but luckily a benign dummy

I am NOT a fan of weaponzing our skies. But how is this different from the robots used in hostage situations?

For scientific purposes to see if the torpedoes work.

Each balloon has to be launched at a hideous expense. A couple of good one & done missions (2&thru?) might be cheaper than 10 launched at different times.

So running a mild electric charge of opposite polarity through the body will keep it sand free? Good to know!

The more I read about the ice Giants, the more I realize how complex the chemistry must be there. I don’t know if anyone has calculated surface gravity, wind speeds, etc, but I could imagine life living there, especially with a pole heated.

You KNOW the moment they put facial recognition in everything he’s going to be tagged for going into Master Andre’s House of Pain with an underaged stripper.

I agree the defining line within our solar system is bs, but one of the reasons I don’t think this will go through is because of exoplanets. I think we’ll only want to call larger objects planets. Still I’m all for more descriptive nomenclature taking over eventually, more along the lines of main sequence star charts.

The Woodlands isn’t interested in science beyond pulling oil from the ground. They don’t have to. They have money made from pulling oil from the ground. (No, I don’t have an axe to grind. Not at all. Why do you ask?)

Bracelets that can leap in front of bullets. Now to just make them so they don’t break your wrists.

I’ve got a bunch of California Bays in my yard, and they smell great. I through hell of one in my stews, and it’s a kick ass flavor that I love. Don’t cook with those pansy-ass Turkish leaves. Bah.

One thing I think religious folks have in common, for good or ill, is a common story to tell and organize around. Communities organize around the stories we tell, whether it’s the story from the MCU, the Bolshevik revolution, West-Coast rapppers, or the Bible. I grew up on Greek mythology, Broadway show tunes, and