
Since my star will be gone in a couple days, I don't have to worry about the ramifications of approving dumb pink comments, so I might as well do it as a sort-of parting shot. At least this one is self-aware.

If you make less than a certain amount, it's tax-exempt (but you still have to claim the income). You are taxed based on your total income from all sources for the year. Since Sam has a job that pays more than that amount, he'd be taxed on the $500.

Ha, nice.


So, you just saw the Kinect and went, "meh"?

wtf, there aren't any articles at that link!

They are also used for learning the ukulele. And for looking up how to spell "ukulele".

I tend to just flush my BM's.

I used to just play it IN the Blockbuster. I got kicked out a couple times.

It would make their products sexier if it was a 69 degree angle. Get it? Because "69" is the name for a sexual position. I am a hilarious 12 year old boy.

I guess I read too much Deadspin, because all I see is spaceship dong.

Not a very good call

your brain made some shortcuts if thought made sense

Hosting for the pirate bay?

Yes. And, if you swype out a long word, and it misinterprets it, you have to delete and re-do it. You don't know if you're correct until you're all the way done with the word.

If you haven't tried swiftkey, I would suggest it. I used swype for a year and got pretty good at it, and then swiftkey was the free app of the day on the amazon appstore. I gave it a try, and I could almost immediately type faster on swiftkey than I ever could on swype.

If they took a lesson from game of thrones and just started decapitating people who pirate the show, then I think it's safe to say that piracy would decrease.

Are you seriously telling me that you can't wake up to a custom song on iOS currently? I mean, that's not even an Android ripoff. I could do that on my dumbphone 5 years ago.

If my money is no good to verizon, so be it. They win.