He was probably just on his way to pay some twitter contest winners.
He was probably just on his way to pay some twitter contest winners.
I thought that was illegal contact? Defensive holding can be called anytime, even after the catch, yes?
2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites with a glug of milk is the best combo for an omelet IMO. I've never heard of using water but I guess I'll give it a go next time and see what kind of difference it makes.
Catchers don't just have to throw to 3rd to go around the horn after a strikeout. A left-handed catcher would make it much easier for the opposing team to steal third.
I wish you would have made a branch for, "crap, maybe I should just buy a minivan".
These watches are going to have to get a whole lot thinner to make me interested. The current ones are just too bulky for me.
As long as they don't choke I'm fine with it. Anything slower than that is just a waste of time. I have 2 dogs so I have to stand there with them while they eat to make sure they don't eat each others' food.
Heh heh.... Wacker Field...
I skimmed it twice and I can't seem to figure out what the "serious bodily injuries" are, specifically. Bruised ego? He looked fine in the video.
Your GPU must really suck, or you're exaggerating. I've been mining for ~2 weeks with a mid range GPU and I have generated about .001 BTC. Still pretty crappy but nowhere near as bad as you make it seem.
edit: nvm, i was reading the chart wrong.
¡Ay, mi cabeza!
Gotta love how the color guy totally blew it.
The posts would start minimized so you can just scroll down and skim, and expand the threads that are actually interesting. If there are a bunch of short posts, you could fit 10+ on a page. This way you can only fit 2 on a page no matter how long the posts are. You can't skim at all. Ain't nobody got time fo that.
The hate is because you can't scan comments with your scroll wheel. You have to constantly click click click. It makes it more difficult to find good comments. I'm not a fan of the two-column layout in this or the previous version of Kinja either. It should be a single column, endless vertical scroll.
Right click, open in new tab.