The Hork

Abortion Jones.

The athlete can choose, but it has to be a song from the band O.A.R

Tom Izzo’s use of “compliance girl”suggests that he takes this all very, very seriously.

I’m more offended that you wouldn’t spell out “motherfucker”.


it’s the most Eli Manning thing to have his boob of a coach—who styles his hair like a seventh grader who just discovered the country club Brylcreem jar—

Not sure who to trust here. I mean, one of these guys is obviously a plagiarist.

How did the Dolan thing come about? That’s just plain bizarre, but also kind of nice? Tell me how to feel, please.

No. And it’s hardly pointless that the President is endorsing hate messages from a hate group.

I don’t think he’s trying anything. He genuinely believes everyone should praise him and gets upset when people don’t. He genuinely believes that Mueller should stop with the Russia stuff and look into Hillary’s emails.

It’s cool, he’ll just make his own cover.

Credit to Matt Rhule where it’s due, at least Baylor is just assaulting men now.

“It would be like saying what I actually said”

Obviously Peterman was just spooked by the Chargers awesome home field advantage, tough place to make a first start.

It’s still early enough in Peterman’s career to get a nickname to stick. What do we think about “White Privilege”?

Where’s the fucking Hatfields when you need them.

On nationalism and commerce:

When a little kid runs up to you and yells “hi!” you better be just as enthusiastic with your hi back and offer up your hand for a high-five if the situation calls for it. That kid will try to hit the living shit out of your hand and that’s cool. If the child is on a leash, then you stay away from it because it is not