The Hork

Bird teams thrive on confidence. Just ask coin-toss winning quarterback Matt Hasselbeck.

As soon as Ohio gets off her shift she will join the and fray whoop the shit out of both of those state-shaped retirement homes.

While editorial and sales may be completely separate, it’s still your (or your editor’s, ha ha ha) duty to know or find out what particular sponsors involvement may appear to compromise your editorial integrity and post a disclaimer. That’s how transparent journalism works.

I have been avoiding my great grandson Brocklynn who would like to take me to this, the 118th and allegedly penultimate Avengers film. We have been seeing these films together since time immemorial, obviously since the time when nuclear family structures and live births were the norm, as opposed the the much improved

I don’t understand it either. It’s as if GMG writers never heard of the fundamental journalistic principle of avoiding not just conflicts of interest but the appearance of them.

This is what I came here to say! I really like that quote and say it all the time and would prefer it’s Emily’s.

Kinda gross attributing it to woody, you know he doesn’t really mean the *heart*.

Probably worth mentioning that “the heart wants what it wants” is a quote from Emily Dickinson.

are you sure

If we’re going to do one cool and good thing before what will almost certainly be a miserable rebuilding year, it might as well be dismissing the Cowboys to their rightful place in Hell. I’ll take it.

I see your point, but that’s not actually what the word “holiday” means. I am not Jewish, but I still think of Hanukkah as a holiday, because it is, in fact, a holiday. It may not be a holiday I personally celebrate, but it’s for sure a holiday!

I look forward to seeing him lose the Cirrhotic War

I was congratulating myself for having made it, when about 20 minutes in Montezuma’s revenge returned, the likes of which I had never experienced.

Curt Schilling wrecked that trailer so bad he must have thought Rhode Islanders had paid for it.

“Richardson—who is reportedly called simply “Mister” by his employees”

I thought it would only be a matter of time before this happened. He’s been stealing Karen’s chicken strips at lunch every fucking day.

Siberia is literally closer to LA than Lithuania is.

Baseball doesn’t have a cap. Just a luxury tax threshold. And if one team can afford to be above the threshold, it’s the fucking Yankees.

I’d be careful if I were Stanton. Last thing he wants is the hard hitting investigative reporters of The Player’s Tribune on his case.
