Black Phillip

Did it maybe occur to you that judging a stand-up comedian by their success as a sitcom actor doesn’t make much sense?

he had a sold out seven night run at radio city music hall, you are not the litmus test for who matters you idiot.

Nothing says “unimpressive” like selling out Radio City.

Bro, he just won an Emmy this year for his special. It’s not our fault you’re not hip enough to know who he is.

John Mulaney, while not as successful as Rock or Seinfeld yet, is far from a hack.  

I don’t know how they did it, but from the first time you see that stupid goat, you know that thing is Satan. Maybe it’s those creepy kids following it around. And that it’s name is “Black Philip”. WTF goat owners, are you TRYING to summon the devil?

Because it’s the GOAT? By which I mean, literally the goat is the best.

That’s an awfully long way to go to say you didn’t care for it. As someone who does not get high and thoroughly enjoys the original, I’m happy to have contributed a small sum to the funding, though I fully expect this will not be as much fun to watch. But they’re really nice, funny guys and I’m okay with the presumed

“And if you find any of that alone inherently funny, this film is unquestionably for you.”

He didn’t actually retire. He’s going to be in a movie about a famous actor who retires from acting and starts riding the subway like a regular guy, and he’s also sick of all the media saturation that people subject themselves to on a daily basis, spending all their time staring at screens instead of interacting with

Sir John had to die for dissing Fagin, the ship’s cat

Truly, although Jared Harris’ lilting voice has fascinated me for years. I think he has some of his father’s cadence.

Yes! The Irishman Hinds is playing a Brit (Captain Franklin) and the Irish Captain Crozier is being played by a Brit (Harris...who is Richard Harris’s son)

I still haven’t listened to the whole album but I saw him at Kirby on Sunday night and goddamn was it a great show!

But these are new, nearly painless catheters. Don’t be close-minded.

I’ve been told that there’s a cowboy who may have another answer for me.

Infinity War will only Seem Like Infinity

I guess I should start depriving myself of liquids now in preparation.

Never seen him live so can’t speak on his “energy levels”. But if people are complaining about the beats on Big Fish Theory then they have no taste so screw em. Those beats are the future of Rap as far as I’m concerned.

Sweet Jesus I am both old and out of touch. I swear I thought Vince Staples was a country singer in the Garth Brooks tradition and am literally shocked to find out he’s a rapper.