Black Phillip

On top of everything else, he reclaimed the last name “Rocker” for decent humans everywhere.

In high school they’d show us these paintings by Carravaggio or some baroque painter and it would seem ridiculous how all these soldiers or maidens or elders or witnesses to a long sword murder would each have their own unique overreaction to whatever they were seeing. But they looked just like this photo! How did

Man what a happy ending! Timing is everything.

We’re all agreed this guy is jacking it, right?

There’s Kawhi squatting with his tongue out in anticipation, and Joel Embiid leaning over him in apprehension:

It’s not for nothing that Tarantino’s preferred version of the film came with an actual, no-fooling intermission.

That’s hurtful Claire, I think of us as One.

This is the FOURTH time A Star is Born has been “remade”! 1937, 1954, 1976, 2018. It was being remade about every 20 years at first, so let’s just be thankful that we skipped a 1998 remake and got a 40 year reprieve. Let’s hope we get another 40 before Nick and Priyanka’s 3rd son remakes this in 2059.

“...unless you absolutely adore Queen and are hankering for as much Queen content as possible...”

I will never not be annoyed with the creation of the ‘Best Animated’ category to make sure animation won’t mix with the ‘real’ movies but damn Spider-Verse better win it.

They’re more sympathetic than the Celtics in literally every universe! I checked!

Me, in the actual article above this comment: “I’m a Wizards fan.”

The Bucks with Giannis Antetokounmpo and Anthony Davis would be the actual coolest basketball team of all time.

I always wanted to know how a self-important trustifarian ages.

If I went in to watch Unbreakable knowing it was a “comic book movie”, I think I would’ve been disappointed. One of the neat things about the movie is that it kind of sneaks up on you in that sense, even though the very first shot is a comic book quote.

This is disappointing because I expected a lot more from the Coens, who typically portray their characters with a deep sensitivity. For a good palate cleanser, try to see Edge of the Knife (SG̲aawaay Ḵ’uuna), the first-ever film made entirely in the Haida language in Haida Gwaii off the coast of British Columbia. Made

If you think about it, New York really was the perfect fit for Melo.

His legacy is winning a national title as a freshman at Syracuse. 

Hanging around long past his usefulness? What is this guy, a baby boomer in middle management?

Maybe we’re just getting to the place where anyone with the title of ‘President’ is a total fucktard.