Black Phillip

They nominated all the wrong films this year. It was another great year for cinema... The Academy just insists on glorifying glossy, safe, big studio fare instead of truly great films that are challenging, beautiful and well put together.

First image pops up and I think..."Fuck. It's my hometown. 🤦🏾‍♂️"

You have delicious taste.

But, those shows suck. So....?

Chris Stapleton

Changed mine to Echo, as to avoid the triggering 3some of commercials that play all day and try to order diapers for me.

Nekkid Grandma!!!

Too good not to like. Maybe we can get it to 6969?

It was great.

Black Phillip approved*

This is 100 percent incorrect.

Facial damage... you better look away from this one then.

Best episode of the series so far! So dark. Love it.

“Was there blood?... Was there poop?”

Actually just watch the escape from the orgy episode then burn the rest.

Quantum Leap anyone?

"The Book of Memes and Shadows" starring Keanu Reeves

Too bad she could not encourage Arya to burn Sheeren.

this is good.