Black Phillip

The Sixers are the early 2010's Clippers of the east. Not a bad basketball team, but completely irrelevant

Well that’s disappointing.

I just wasted like 2 minutes of my life I hope you’re proud

It’s no autocorrect; I am very aware of his injury history.

Broke Lopez might be my favorite autocorrect ever.

I like how you changed the spelling of his last name every time you used it in this post. Subtle, but awesome.

I look forward to when my Knicks sign him, at age 39, to a 7 year/$450 million dollar contract. 

First highlight video:

“BIG MAD” has long dominated the satirical magazine market and turned our children gay by covering their pages with estrogen. Also, George Soros created Spy vs Spy.

Also no US municipality would be able to get a car marked as abandoned and crushed inside of three days.

Your logic is without fault

It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.

Ford Mucus

You’ve gotta dig deep for puns like this.

Better anti-theft device than a manual transmission.

“But connecting peripherals is important and I don’t own/plan on buying bluetooth headphones or carrying around an extra dongle to use wired headphones.”

Do you actually speak that way in real life, or is this your online jackass persona?

“That’s one small step for giant leap for mankind.” - Neil Armstrong, 1969.

I tell the same stories over and over again too.

I tell the same stories over and over again too.