Black Phillip

this is bad.

this is good.

Nothing on me stays dry when I'm watching Prince videos.

Such a fun ride from start to finish. The soundtrack is phenomenal… "Let's Get Away for a While!" Berenthal, Hamm and Foxx are really intimidating bads. Whoever was really driving that Subaru is a God Damned savant!

If going to Hell is being saved… sign me up to get vapoorized please.

Far-Go F*ck Yourself!

Waylon Smithers

My brain almost exploded trying to figure this out. Then… Google.

Geez Yea.


Pet Sounds all the way. The instrumental 'Let's go away for awhile' is perfection.

*Unzips in front of scanner… "thunk!"

Gillian Anderson is GORGEOUS! That is all.

He really only needed two chambers. One to dump the real meds into. One that holds the ibuprofen that he transfers from and back into once Don Hector has his attack. Then real meds from chamber 1 back into the prescription bottle. I just convinced myself this plan is not going to work.

The title card explanation of the downfall of civilization is pure genius!

The show was corny. The ghost-written lyrics are obviously NOT in the style of the era. Bye bye The Get Bent.

You can hear a definite audible "plop" as he removes his junk from the mug. I think they are suggesting an ample amount of genitals filling the cup's opening. There's no pee though.

POPED!: A Hidden Camera Prank Show

This one!

Pope'fect Strangers