Black Phillip

"He's fleeing the interview… HE'S FLEEING THE INTERVIEW!"

I've already spent too much time reading about this.

I blame Casey

The cinematography on this show is the best. The image of the tunnels at night, illuminated by the street lights with the city lights diffused in the background, is the shot of the season. It was so perfect that I didn't know what I was really looking at until the driver slid down the embankment. Beautiful shot.

Guest 2: Guest Harder

THEY are serious.

When the credits rolled, the applause was uproarious.

That was the best video of the year when it came out.

Comparing what amounts to a bad Drake album to ANYTHING Bob Dylan, is just crazy.
On More Life, Drake appropriates the bottom of the barrel rappers' style for likes. It isn't good music. He made a conscious decision to weaken his own flow and lyrics. I can't agree with anything the reviewer stated. Just my opinion.

Thank you.

First word on this website… "Audio." They did it to themselves.

Shitty Drake album B+ Fuqouttahere

*Also same comment… just substitute "Real Estate" for "Spoon."

No offense, but A.V Club continually shows that they don't know shit about Hip-Hop. Okay… offense. This album/playlist whatever, is just a continuation of the dumbing down of the culture. Reviewer go home, you're drunk.

I'll stick to The Handmaiden.

Kyrie Irving

The ONLY aspect of this show i like anymore is the music.

That "manic" phase isn't something that actually happens to him. Remember that in this Lenny version of Clockworks he thinks he's Manic Depressive. He's really a Schizophrenic.

Does anyone else feel that Morgan finally killing takes something from his character? I feel it was way too soon in the story for this. It was forced down our throat the whole episode.

The Waffle House in the above pic looks like it's about to be robbed.