Black Phillip

That's good.

All season it has been like this. Also, the reviews have gotten a lot more "favorable" since she was corrected in the comment section. For the most part, I enjoy the reviews. But, for a while, it was like Emily was watching another show altogether.

The reviewer has been getting everyone's names wrong all season.

As a reader of the comic, the AMC series has nothing to offer me anymore.

That "Game-changing" bottle opener is a cheap rip-off of Dropcatch.

As to your initial reason for coming here… Yes, I also thought that it felt like "The End" of the story. As soon as the episode ended I said out loud to myself "Okay. I guess we're going to get a second family's retelling of living in the house." This current storyline just feels complete. Matt and Shelby are no

Can we get to 1988 already?!!!!

You moved back for the flakka.

First time I laughed this whole page. +1

I'd like to thank the Academy for allowing a young Black goat from Hell the opportunity to Live Deliciously.

You should've seen the veins pulse in his temples when i called him Mr. Dre.

on the tippie tie

"There were no utensils IN medieval times, hence there are no utensils AT Medieval Times."

Don't believe him, he's Never gonna register for it.

Fear the Walking Dead is just "Twilight with walkers."

I'm really enjoying Ray Ramano's performance in this series.

I honestly believe that ACS is going to bring home Best Actor, Best Actress and Supporting Actor Emmys for sure. I wanted to cry for both Clarke and Darden at the end of this. That press conference was gut-wrenching, heart-breaking tv.

What's weird about that?

Best joke in the movie… "Baby Rattlers." Pee-Wee's response straight killed!

But, SPOILER ALERT… Jesus is gay. He's dating the Hilltop doctor in the comics.