Black Phillip

"Now she just has to sob and slaughter her way through the world alone."

"… and went back to his yurt." Ha

No, that was Jesse Pinkman.

Still fighting the good fight I see Garrison.

Who's already planning to watch BB all over again as soon as this series ends?

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

I don't think that Johnnie Cochran would own a Normal Rockwell "print." I would lean towards that being an original painting.

Johnnie Cochran is a straight up gangsta in this episode!

"Another settlement needs your help."

I love EVERY scene Dr. Denise is in. She is my spirit animal.

The portrayal of Andrea from the comics to the show is still the most egregious mistake they've made. Comic Andrea is probably the most badass of all the characters. TV show Andrea set women back to at least before the zombie apocalypse.

Why do you think they "fake killed" Glenn before? And now that he is pretty much in the after-glow of baby expectation, they've sufficiently sucked everyone back into the false comfort that Glenn and Maggie will be fine. All this baby-talk and promising outlook for the future is most likely to build the emotional

You're agreeing with me… But you're doing soo much more! #iseewhatyoudidthere

*See below

"Say My Name" cold open from Breaking Bad is the Everest of openings.

*flashes creepy grin* "I'd buy that for a dollar!"

Are you afraid of the snark?…