
I want to give her 10 Mother of the Year Awards. What a phenomenal advocate for her daughter. Brava, Gianna Constand!

What a fucknut. No David, it’s not out of bounds to discuss the attractiveness of an actor in a review (unless the actor in question is 11 years old like Watson was, you sick fuck). But it is out of line to carry on about it for the entire fucking review, all the while making extra creepy statements like how Israeli

Well of course that’s worse because it destroys a man, where actual sexual assault typically destroys a woman and I think we all know whose life is more valuable here.

“The only thing that is worse than that [sexual assault] is the false accusation of sexual assault”

Here’s an astonishing concept; if you really want people to accept a wider range of body shapes, skin tones, and backgrounds as beautiful, just make more “beautiful” characters that look like something other than skinny and fair skinned. Everyone outside of the skinny princess motif shouldn’t require extra story arcs

“Women, in general, get a lot of pushback, especially if you’re successful and attractive.”

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Wow, make champagne popsicles is the new let them eat cake. I never got that memo. Nice.

For fuck’s sake, Gwyneth Paltrow would have more class and self-awareness in the White House.

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

My dad just said that whoever is leaking all of this info should be hanged cause he’s a traitor. I asked him if the subjects of these leaks should also be punished. Of course he was like no. I promptly blew up at him, reminding him he wasn’t worried about the person(s) who leaked the info from the DNC.

Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?

This entire paragraph was beautiful in its truth and brutality. Well done, Rich.

Maybe they should have gotten an actual dancer to play Baby.

My favorite moment is when Trump loosens his fingers to maneuver out of the handshake and Macron grips Trump’s hard one more time as if to assert that the handshake won’t end until Macron is good and ready.   

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?

I’m with Grande on this one. No words, no gifs. This was a terrible tragedy.

Ugh this feud is so boring and stupid I am not rooting for either of them. However, I will say that this “reason” from Katy Perry isn’t the exoneration she seems to think it is. Encouraging your dancers to take another job but telling them how to do it so they can quit halfway through and join hers is still shitty,