
That was the chief's point. This is to make it illegal for people to harass trans people when they go to the bathroom. The new amendment doesn't suddenly allow trans people to use the appropriate bathroom. They already do that, and that is perfectly legal.

Spoilers for the books!

What truly takes Ned Stark's murder and the Red Wedding to the next level of twists is that the characters and the reader are relying on the same story telling tropes: the good guy wins. Ned banks on his nobility and righteousness and because he is, indeed, noble and righteous (as well as being the primary

I see what you did there...

Ah, fuck it.


I have this fight every year with my mom who insists that "certain" (e.g. old or overweight) women shouldn't let "everything" hang out. And I say, "WHY NOT?" It's their everything after all. If they are happy let it hang, let it swing, let it free. Be nude. Wear a swim burqa. Just be comfortable. What you put on your

We offer an in house class at my work called Flexing Your Communication Style. So I figure I'm doing that when I assess work people for swearing tolerance.


It's for the best, if you say you're bringing over Nutella and then show up with a baby there may be disappointment.

My apple, carrot, pea, and green bean-loving furball:

Next you need to have an article about Lynda Carter. Lynda Carter! Lynda Carter! Lynda Carter!Lynda Carter! Lynda Carter! Lynda Carter! Lynda Carter!

She seems to be the most durable of the Disworld pantheon - the only one that got referred to in Steam.

Your proposal story makes my heart so happy! I feel bad for people who don't have that kind of happiness and focus only on ring size.

Thank you for that laugh. In return I give you baby Barbarian's very best awful picture.

this baby will seriously rule us all

Top image: Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones, season one. She's gotten a lot shrewder over the years, but back in the first season when she really thought Joffrey was awesome, and later decided to confide in Cersei, you just wanted to take her aside and explain some stuff. Like, a lot of stuff.

Nice reference to Anoia.

Near the end of the awesome pagan period of European history and the rise of genocidal butthead monotheism, the Romans had gone quite apeshit with the religion thing. There were more than 2000 (some estimates even say upwards of 3000) different gods and goddesses worshiped across the empire. They had invented new gods