
This post made me happy :)

I misread this as your mom putting red lipstick on the actual softball. I was thinking your mom was weirdly diabolical. In my defense It's still early here in Sydney

"People around here know who they are now; that's for sure," said Mike Hulligan, whose son Ryan plays for the Fighting Irish, one of two league teams that go by that name. "I think the thing that probably impresses me most is that they never look intimidated. They're quick to the ball, they're really disciplined, and

Yes! It was an odd episode when they had Tom Cruise on at the beginning, solo, then he left and everyone else came on ... will try and find clip.

There is so much win in this single sentence.

I want to blow raspberries on that tumtum!!

The baby Jesus held aloft is cracking me up. The caped gendarme (or whatever the Vatican call them) is icing on the baby Jesus cake.

The still photo of the video made me think it was from *Allo, Allo*.

Huh. Who knew I was so *with it*.

Lots of flesh-colored pencils required?

R u ok?

I have always LOVED getting books as gifts, and my neices and nephews are all readers too thank the gods! In fact my mum tracked down a quite unusual book for me this Christmas ... you are a very cool aunt IMO :)

Sigh. This made me nostalgic for the days when I was a leftie pinko commie teen with a way overdeveloped sense of justice and a sarcastic mouth to boot. My racist country cousins actually liked it, I was christmas entertainment and could rough it with the best (worst?) of them. Of course they're used to me now, I'm



Hi Burt! It's actually Monday here in Sydney, and I am in lockdown in my building, pending evacuation. I'm about half a city block from the scene and am very worried for the safety of the people in the café.

Get on up there - promote!!

Keep 'em coming, these comments are a-grade stuff!

I can embroider beautifully ... maybe a feminist creative circle? Leaves some wiggle-room for tequila appreciation and blunt-rolling classes too.

Yaassss!! They can wear said capes while sitting in a row in the courtroom knitting menacingly. I want to grow up to be a knitting feminist! (I am already 40)