
"Naming your child after TWO points on the compass? Why my dear, it's essential, it's OXYGEN!"

I think I love you.

Yeah, Paul was an arsehole.

That's why I love this ad :)

Breaking news! He 'fled the country' last night, and has subsequently had his visa cancelled.

Too much for this young girl!!! (Well, young at the time :))

So pretty circa absolute beginners *sighs*

No sequel can have the same impact on girlish loins as the original ...

NEVER apologise for loving the glorious Miss Fisher!!

Sorry for the tardy response! Roll around in these pics :)

It's 1920's clothes and sex wrapped in a crime romp! What's not to love?

I would like to present ... the Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher!

Yes yes yes!! My two faves are her green suit (those gloves! That netted hat!) and the gold floral dress. Both stand the test of time.

That'll do, Mark. That'll do.

Spectacular!! Freaking spectacular! I want a charioteer outfit for my kitty STAT!

Yes, yes, a million times YES!!

I am consumed with both admiration for and jealousy of your aunt!!

And brother of my favourite human ever, David Attenborough. Such a talented family!

I'm ok with this.