
How? Simple. The game was not ready for launch.

The same year his biggest movie releases he also loses his father. My thoughts are with him...

I am so ready. Trying to get Axiom Verge in there.

I think the intro and the credits are really cool!

Also, I watched KevinDDR and the TetrisTGM crew at AGDQ 2015 from 5 feet away and my mind was blown. Like, there were pieces of my brain littering the streets of Dulles all the way to the White House. These guys are superhuman.


I guess Konami took “No place for Hideo” a bit too literally...

Except Hideo Kojima games usually do. He was directly influenced by the movie industry in the way he handled game design so it makes sense.

June 12, 2008

Dude them feels BibleThump

I loved Furious 7. But the tech induced cringe award goes to plugging a cell phone INTO A GODDAMN PATCH PANEL ON A CELL COMM TOWER

I’m pretty sure you mean the NCCA and not the NCAA. This one made me chuckle. xD

Not obscure at all, but I would kill for a proper sequel to Chrono Trigger...

#SaveCappuccino not Cappuccion


Announce a new Metroid title, then I'll buy a Wii U... Even if it's a 3DS title, I'll buy a frickin' Wii U.

This asshole just spoiled it for me. Thanks dipshit.

Too Much Information?

C'mon PC Gamer, put four of these babies in the LPC. You know you want to.