I will never buy a Wii U. Ever. Until the next Smash Bros comes out.
Aw c'mon don't be an asshole lol. You know what I mean. NES and up, pretty much all of them.
Also, read my first reply, I stated that I hadn't noticed it was one of her articles. I was implying that I wouldn't have gone past the headline on the main page had I noticed that. Just an FYI.
Well, the fact that you didn't resort to insuting me to convince me is a really good start. I am at work right now, but I will get back to you on that. - Challenge Accepted.
Enjoy! Been a pc gamer for 18 years and those years have been golden. Don't care what the console haters say, PC gaming is the platform to rule them all, and I own all consoles except for the Wii U.
I love women when they suck my dick. -Sexism.
So self-righteous. You know you don't have to read our comments. You are wasting your own time of your own accord. So does everyone else. And it is not a spotlight of manic scorn or blatant display of mysogyny. Just calling out on a bunch of butthurt, bullshit articles.
Not sure if white knight or sarcastic lol
It blocks the view counter?
Fuck, I just gave her a view. Thought it was Jason since this is a JRPG.
You bought an xbox360 on day one, and it has provided you with 8 years of awesome gaming? No RROD? You're one lucky bastard :P
Patricia, here's a question: Why are you doing this? I am genuinely asking you. I don't understand how having no woman on stage an event such as this is sexist. You would rather have them have e3 styled "booth babes" on stage just for show? Or have a woman on stage who wasn't really relevant to the whole presentation?…
I'm calling a price cut on the Vita shortly before the PS4 comes out. I mean they did cut it down in Japan.
Please tell me your cpu is actually x64, otherwise your 16gb of RAM stops being useful at the 4GB mark.
Also, rereading your comment, couldn't help but notice: "excluding the inevitable costs of upgrading and maintenance which rarely—if ever—needs to be done on consoles." And I don't know if I need to remind you of the YLOD and RROD fiascos on both PS3 and X360. When they were a big problem, they weren't selling those…
Gaming mice and keyboards are overrated and if you go for a budget gaming machine, you should recycle your previous input peripherals. Same goes for the monitor. This console lifecycle was way too long and usually goes for 5 years before the next gen comes out. If you buy a 600$ pc every 4-5 years, you'll be having a…
Hey little fanboi, don't get all defensive on me. I was replying to where his pc purchase went wrong. Not even arguing about the whole PC vs consoles thing. I own all three major consoles, many gaming rigs which I use for different purposes. How does my argument fail to hold water, when I wasn't arguing in the first…
How much will your ps4 or 720 cost at launch? Including all the peripherals. If you choose your parts wisely, you don't need to upgrade for a good 5 years, which is the normal cycle of a console.