After reading the shitstorm you introduced, I understood that from those who were butthurt here most have the following similarities:
After reading the shitstorm you introduced, I understood that from those who were butthurt here most have the following similarities:
Cars don't get pussy. Especially mass produced ones. Hate to break it to you. Even ask Doug Demuro.
Back when I had my Mustang, it got a reaction out of just about anyone I mentioned it to, got in it, or saw me in it.
Because they could use off the shelf parts and didn’t have to re-engineer the seats or the crash ratings for the seats.
You’ll look and sound cooler and get more pussy in a GT though.
Cars and Coffee videos have proven that Mustangs are not cars that attract drivers.
Well, thanks for the reminder of why I fucking hate my own species.
D’aww, look at it! Look how happy it is! Like a magical puppy that wants to get sideways, if an NA Mazda Miata can’t…
At first glance I thought that was the Murano Crosscab again.
Maybe don’t ride 2 mph in the middle of the road, up a hill, on a windy road full of blind curves with no bike lane, and a speed limit of 40 mph.
But are these really the best you’ve ever seen? I like these sorts of photos too, but the beamer shot in the original post is a very different league.
ok fine the poorer man’s solution is a bunch of random screws you took out of the furniture in the room.
so when Fox News does it it’s ok, but when North Korea does it it’s not?
Cars are saving lives.
Yep. And of course the Sierra led directly to the truly radical for the time Taurus, which didn’t come out until ‘86, but which was already looking very futuristic by ‘83:
It’s almost as if you don’t know the difference between gross profits and net income.
Yes. A car in the future will likely be better than a car that’s been on the market for like 6 years.
I think the Leaf (and to a lesser extent, the Bolt) aren’t really fair comparisons to the 3. I can buy both a new and a used Leaf RIGHT NOW. As in, I can go to a dealer and drive one away. Even in Tesla beats their target time to market (I think they very well might), you’re still likely looking at a year out.
The Tesla 3 is friggan ugly.
It’s too bad there’s not a way to effectively mask tire marks on pavement. These drift vids lose some of the magic when you see how many passes it took to get the angle of the drift right