
“It’s a site that covers motorsports. It’s a race day. If you don’t want spoilers, don’t come. I hope Bradley posts the complete top ten in the headline next race.”

You have high expectation of this online news rag.

Would it hurt you numbnuts to maybe not plaster the result ALL OVER THE FRONTPAGE so the people who have not had a chance to see the race live might be able to enjoy it later in the day without knowing the result beforehand?

In Europe ALL driving schools use manual cars. You can’t drive stick, you don’t get a license, simple as that. There are a few schools that offer automatics, but you’d be a fool to go for that, since most cars on the road have a stick shift anyway. True, automatic transmissions are now becoming more widespread here,

There is a pro drifter in Poland that has no arms.
He drives a paddle auto R34 (the paddles are operated by his shoulder), because he hasn’t yet figured out how to clutch (his setup already has 4 pedals for 1 foot, the other foot being on the wheel) but he’s working on a manual car, and he’ll drive it even if he ends

As a Dutch persoon, we have the exact same method of learning to drive stick. Typically the people that get the auto-ony license cannot oversee having to steer, look and shift gear, to the point they can only drive an automatic. (and are only legally able to drive one)

Bond have touched on something similar before. The villain of Quantum of Solace wants to control a foreign country’s water supply.

The styling of these vehicles is so clearly LR Defender based. Don’t they run into any kind of design rip-off legal issues with these (don’t get me wrong, I really like what they are doing - I am just curious)?

Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.

Unfortunately many bike riders feel that traffic laws should only apply to automobiles. I’ve seen bike riders ride through pedestrians crossings while people were crossing.

None of that is a valid excuse to not stop at a stop sign, especially when the intersection has a stop sign for only one direction and is a blind corner thanks to thick foliage.

Yes you do need a bell if you ride like most do. Oh wait why warn people in the crosswalk while you are running a red light, easier act like they are at fault.

If we presuppose that drivers are not bloodthirsty rage-killers, then perhaps we can understand the grumpiness of drivers when they narrowly miss accidentally killing another human on a bike.

Exercise? Go to the gym or go for a run. Save gas? Walk or take mass transit (you’re in a city after all where these things are possible).

LOL I found spandex guy^

Right, as a driver I have a right to not get a manslaughter charge because a cyclist decided they needed to ride between lanes or run a stop sign in the city.

^This. I believe bikes deserve grade-separated lanes because sharing a lane with buses and illegally-parked Ubers feels incredibly dangerous when I bike (and this is in one of the bike-friendliest cities in the US). However, as a pedestrian, I worry more about cyclists in the crosswalk than cars, because I have to

Drivers and Police get grumpy with them because they (cyclists) only follow the laws of traffic when it suits them. Run a red light or stop sign, no problem i’m a bike i can do it. Cross multiple lanes of traffic at once, “it’s ok i’m on a bike”. Ride between the lines of cars stopped in heavy traffic or at alight,

It is tragic when someone dies so young and so randomly. Having said that, no amount of wishing will put bikes on equal footing with vehicle in the USA... and people on bikes need to drive that way.when I ride in the city I don’t act like another car. I don’t even act like a pedestrian. I act like the person at

No not really, dropped mine on the floor at a nightclub and but screens cracked (the screen protector and my phone screen)