
I’m wondering if playing extreme devil’s advocate in hard mode here is a good idea... but there’s always the possibility that there’s a psychological statistic that supports it? I’d think that there are plenty of statistics that show how we as genders for the most part think differently from each other more often than

Oh? So I’m only allowed to think about games critically after I’ve created a video game that gets widespread acclaim and sells millions? I wish I’d have know this years ago

Oh bullshit, it’s going to be the same shit we’ve seen in GoW game over and over again b/c that’s what they know and that’s what sells. Also, his son putting on furs doesn’t make him Norse. There’s none of the Norse culture or civilization we all know and love from pop culture in this trailer; it’s Kratos and Kratos

I ask, without malice towards Kratos or his fans, but couldn’t this game have gotten a new goddamned hero? Before you snipe, I saw that it’s his grandkid or w/e, but that’s just Kratos Jr by any other name. I’m really tired of Kratos; just retire him and his reskins and give us a new hero, maybe a Norseman, maybe a

The only way I would have been I interested to see Kratos return would be if you were playing as a new hero and he were the villain. This seems like a “eh, weve gotta continue this franchise somehow” move.

I was really hoping Kratos’ saga was over. They could have created a new character to challenge the Norse Gods.

So unless you are 100% full Kool-Aid into Apple, the new OS does nothing new for you?

Yes, this is very exciting to a lot of people.

Who’s resources are being wasted? If anything the standardisation of cigarette packets actually saves tobacco companies money. They haven’t even had to spend a penny on advertising in years.

Taxing something is exactly what you should be doing to discourage things, not banning things that people want to use. In most cases.

No, it just shows how addictive nicotine is. People still smoke despite knowing full well that it will kill them.

What does banning it do though? There are black markets for a reason. People shouldn’t be smoking just as they shouldn’t be eating McDonalds.

The dozens of forum posts on the issue are very real, as is the NHTSA investigation. In this case, Niedermeyer was simply reporting.

Tesla is exactly like Apple in so many behaviors. Apple never admits fault. This tactic works on small electronics, not sure how long it will work on $80k cars.

Isn’t that how the Miata was when it first came out? If I remember correctly, they were about $15-$16K but you couldn’t buy one (at least in the Chicagoland area) for under $25K

Glad to hear it. Hopefully ZD keeps you guys around and sends Jez and Gawker to the dustbin (that’s full of feces and on fire) of history.

You may be right, you probably have better insight than I do.

I have a feeling these will not depreciate as fast as a pumped up city car, just my guess. Still probably going to go look at one unless I pull the trigger on a C350 Coupe or 228i before they go on sale.

Spider (often spelt as Spyder to be clear you're talking about a car and not an insect) is simply fancy term used by car makers to denote a convertible. It apparently comes from the horse and carriage days, where the braces that held the extendable cloth tops of the time looked like the arms of a spider wrapping

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