
Red decks can sometimes run out of gas before killing their opponent. Your opponent is sitting at 3 life and you have 5 lands in play. Play this, sacrifice one of your tapped lands and hope to draw into something akin to lightning bolt to kill them off. In reality, it's fine in a red deck that's operating in a

Pretty sure it hints at fetches being reprinted in the fall set.

While I agree with you, this follows the design of the original Ob Nixilis.

I think you overestimate Arya's side of that relationship. She made it clear multiple times that she wanted to kill him. I think that her adventures since leaving King's Landing have hardened her. She was with Sandor because it was the best and safest option for her. She even starts to come around to the idea of

Don't underestimate a parent's ability to remain ignorant to what they don't want to believe about their children. A servant coming forth with such an accusation could have easily faced death for even insinuating something of the sort. And even if not at the hand of Tywin, then certainly at the hand of Jaime or

Not being a reader of the books, but from watching the show, it's pretty clear that The Mountain isn't being resurrected. He's being treated. He's still alive (you can clearly seem him breathing).

Someone much further up than this post summarized it nicely, can't find it now, but basically that Cersei is just one more in a long line of people who have tormented Tyrion throughout the years, but never to the extent that his father did. He cares as much for Cersei as anyone else who calls him "imp."

You really should watch Parks & Rec. It's SO good. The first season is rather awkward and mostly a clone of The Office (US). But after that, they really grow into their own show and the characters are all so good.

It was a television show that promoted reading mostly, but they did "virtual field trips" to explore cool places and things (factories, museums, remote locations). It was all very educational and usually featured a book narrated by a celebrity.

I completely disagree. It's clear that the Starks don't understand politics or how subterfuge really works in that world. They are very much out of their element, making decisions and acting in a way that conforms to their world view and not how it really is. Unless he's explicitly stated otherwise, I'd have a hard

It's because GRRM actually follows good writing habits and will kill off characters or severely ddebilitate them if he's written them into a corner. He doesn't utilize deus ex machina to get his characters out of a pickle, he simply follows through with where the story took them.

Rocket punch was cheapened by scale.

I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but Star Wars adhered to nearly every single fantasy trope already familiar to movie goers at the time. Reluctant hero, wizened mentor, evil imposing army, small group of good guys, epic quest, etc etc etc...basically, Tolkein (and many more before him) had laid the ground

I went back through and tried to find mention of this in this post or the previous ones and didn't see it, so I thought I'd mention...

There are even more similarities than that: Both players start at 20 life, going to 0 ends the game. Being forced to draw a card and not being able to (library is empty) also ends the game. Mulligan rules are the same.

No mention of the Stargate SG-1 episode "Window of Opportunity"?

No mention of the Stargate SG-1 episode "Window of Opportunity"?

What I absolutely love about this show is that it's not limited by its genre. So many shows have to shoehorn an idea into their genre to make it work (a Romeo and Juliet in a sci-fi setting for example) and it can turn out REALLY clunky. I love Community because they can wrap the show in any genre they want and get

I agree. I remember someone talking about our current search for life in the universe and they said, "What if we are the exception? What if we are the only life form in the observable universe that breathes oxygen, drinks water, and lives on the surface? We could be looking in all the wrong places for all of the