
I’m a little disappointed that one of TV’s saddest deaths wasn’t mentioned anywhere here, Janet Fraiser. Her death really showed how awful war can be for the people who are fighting it, but also show the bravery and selflessness of some of those who take part in it. This was one of the first episodes that really

He is not a villain in the classical “bad guy” sense, but the antagonist non the less in many episodes. His antics cause harm many times and the crew does “battle” with him and his familiars often through out the series. But in the end he is indifferent to outcome many times as he is just doing it for the LOLZ.

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg, The Fifth Element

*SPOILERS* I gained a ton of respect for Ice King after the episode “Finn the Human.” They don’t really allude to it directly but the amount of self control that Ice King must exhibit while wearing the crown is immense. He’s able to keep his cool (lulz) and really just be an annoying in the the neck as opposed to Finn

The Lich is interesting to me mainly because he seems more like an elemental force of nature then a bad guy.

You couldn't possible be more off base.

I feel like your initial concerns have been satisfied but I did want to throw in my two cents here.

true but is so tough these days to have an alien son who wants to destroy humanity to keep up with old friends and spouses. Allot of changes can occour.

That'd be a real shame.

They probably have a build with auto or one button fatalities for public demos.

She spawned a whole year + of "Better Nerf Irelia" meme's. Criminal to leave this out.

Same here. The swing from OP to laughable was so large it seems almost criminal to leave her off.

Say what you will about Ayn Rand, i thought this paragraph was very well written:

I'm disappointed that there's no mention of the Great Emu War, even as a runner up:

"You lost a lot of blood in the car crash, son," the doctor said, furrowing his high brow, "but I have some bad news for you."

Gaeta's arc is perfect storytelling. He's not necessarily wrong about anything except who he follows. He picks the wrong leaders to follow.

Add to that the fact that Roslin was Secretary of Education and later returns to teaching during her time on New Caprica. She's been thrust into this new position as President without any preparation or desire, and the whiteboard is a familiar object in a world that's been turned upside down.

I think the main problem with the thesis that Star Wars ruined science fiction is in its wording. Star Wars isn't science fiction; it's a fantasy film with science fiction trappings. Unfortunately when people think of it as science fiction, or try to make it into science fiction, it usually doesn't really make sense.

Insidious. Though it is good to see that Darth Maul is still able to find work.

Speaking of fixes on floppy disks, I remember having to call Westwood Studios because of a bug in Lands of Lore that was preventing me from progressing through the game. They let me know that it was a known issue and that they had a patch for it! He then asked me for my mailing address and sent me the an